What happens after I place my order? At cabinetdoormart.com our goal is to provide you with quality doors delivered to you as soon as possible. Once you place your order it goes directly into production. Orders are typically completed and shipped out in 6-10 business days. It’s important that you submit your order correctly and check your email confirmation for accuracy to ensure you receive exactly what you need for your project. Once your item goes into production, it is not possible to make any changes.
What is the process to receiving my order?
1. Placing Your Order: After placing your order you will receive an email confirmation. From here we put your order directly into production.
2. Production:Your order is built to your specifications and we do our best to ship it out in 6-10 Business days. Please note that some door styles may take longer in the production stage. For accurate lead times please chat, email, or call our sales team.
- Day 1-3: Immediately right after placing your order, your chosen material is cut to your specifications and your doors are glued together. All measurements, door style and any special notes in your order form are carried out.
- Day 4-6: The glue sets and dries on your custom order and then the doors are sanded so they come out with a beautiful, quality finish.
- Day 7-10: We package up your entire order and it is shipped-out and on its way to you.
3. Order Delivery: Shipping will take approximately 1-6 business days. To find out your estimated shipping time click here.
1. Once we've shipped your items, you will receive an email tracking number. 2. Upon delivery you will be emailed your delivery notice. 3. Around day 10-12 you will be installing and enjoying your beautiful new cabinet doors and drawer fronts.